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中國工程院院士,中國醫學(xué)科學(xué)院院長(cháng)、北京協(xié)和醫學(xué)院校長(cháng)。德國科學(xué)院外籍院士、法國醫學(xué)科學(xué)院外籍院士、英國醫學(xué)科學(xué)院外籍院士,兼任中國生物醫學(xué)工程學(xué)會(huì )理事長(cháng)、中國科協(xié)生命科學(xué)聯(lián)合體主席、亞太免疫學(xué)會(huì )聯(lián)盟秘書(shū)長(cháng)、醫學(xué)免疫學(xué)國家重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗室主任。創(chuàng )辦《中國腫瘤生物治療雜志》并任主編,Cellular and Molecular Immunology共同主編、任Journal of Molecular Medicine、Cancer Immunology Research副主編, 任Cell、Annual Review of Immunology、Science Translational Medicine、Science Advances、eLife、Cell Research等編委。

曹雪濤院士主要從事天然免疫與炎癥的基礎研究、腫瘤免疫治療應用研究。以通訊作者在Cell、Nature、Science、Nature Immunology、Cancer Cell等發(fā)表SCI論文230余篇,引用1萬(wàn)余次。以第一完成人獲國家自然科學(xué)二等獎1項 (2003)、中華醫學(xué)科技獎一等獎2項、軍隊和上海市科技進(jìn)步一等獎2項、上海市自然科學(xué)一等獎4項,獲得國家發(fā)明專(zhuān)利16項,獲得國家II類(lèi)新藥證書(shū)2個(gè)。獲得中國工程院光華工程獎(2012)、中科院陳嘉庚生命科學(xué)獎(2016)、中國青年科學(xué)家獎等。主編本科生、研究生《醫學(xué)免疫學(xué)》統編教材,培養的12名博士生獲得全國優(yōu)秀博士論文。獲得首屆中國研究生教育特等獎(2014)和Nature杰出導師終身成就獎(2015)。


姜明紅 博士 副研究員,碩士生導師

王春梅 博士 副研究員,碩士生導師

許小青 博士 助理研究員

王冰晶 博士  助理研究員

劉音   主管技師


1.  Zheng Q, Hou J, Zhou Y, Li Z, Cao X. The RNA helicase DDX46 inhibits innate immunity by entrapping m6A-demethylated antiviral transcripts in the nucleus. Nat Immunol. 2017 Aug 28.

2.  Chen K, Liu J, Liu S, Xia M, Zhang X, Han D, Jiang Y, Wang C, Cao X. Methyltransferase SETD2-mediated methylation of STAT1 is critical for interferon antiviral activity. Cell. 2017;170(3):492-506

3.  Liu Y, Gu Y, Han Y, Zhang Q, Jiang Z, Zhang X, Huang B, Xu X, Zheng J, Cao X. Tumor Exosomal RNAs promote lung pre-metastatic niche formation by activating alveolar epithelial TLR3 to recruit neutrophils. Cancer Cell. 2016;30(2):243-256.

4.  Ding Y, Guo Z, Liu Y, Li X, Zhang Q, Xu X, Gu Y, Zhang Y, Zhao D, Cao X. The lectin Siglec-G inhibits dendritic cell cross-presentation by impairing MHC class I-peptide complex formation. Nat Immunol. 2016;17(10):1167-75.

5.  Li X, Zhang Q, Ding Y, Liu Y, Zhao D, Zhao K, Shen Q, Liu X, Zhu X, Li N, Cheng Z, Fan G, Wang Q, Cao X.Methyltransferase Dnmt3a upregulates HDAC9 to deacetylate the kinase TBK1 for activation of antiviral innate immunity. Nat Immunol. 2016;17(7):806-15.

6.  Yang M, Chen T, Li X, Yu Z, Tang S, Wang C, Gu Y, Liu Y, Xu S, Li W, Zhang X, Wang J, Cao X. K33-linked polyubiquitination of Zap70 by Nrdp1 controls CD8+ T cell activation. Nat Immunol. 2015;16(12):1253-62.

7.  Zhang Q, Zhao K, Shen Q, Han Y, Gu Y, Li X, Zhao D, Liu Y, Wang C, Zhang X, Su X, Liu J, Ge W, Levine RL, Li N, Cao X. Tet2 is required to resolve inflammation by recruiting Hdac2 to specifically repress IL-6. Nature. 2015;525(7569):389-93.

8.  Liu J, Han C, Xie B, Wu Y, Liu S, Chen K, Xia M, Zhang Y, Song L, Li Z, Zhang T, Ma F, Wang Q, Wang J, Deng K, Zhuang Y, Wu X, Yu Y, Xu T, Cao X. Rhbdd3 controls autoimmunity by suppressing the production of IL-6 by dendritic cells via K27-linked ubiquitination of the regulator NEMO. Nat Immunol. 2014;15(7):612-22.

9.  Chen T, Yang M, Yu Z, Tang S, Wang C, Zhu X, Guo J, Li N, Zhang W, Hou J, Liu H, Han C, Liu Q, Gu Y, Qian C, Wan T, Cui L, Zhu M, Zheng W, Cao X. Small GTPase RBJ mediates nuclear entrapment of MEK1/MEK2 in tumor progression. Cancer Cell. 2014;25(5):682-96.

10.  Hou J, Zhou Y, Zheng Y, Fan J, Zhou W, Ng IO, Sun H, Qin L, Qiu S, Lee JM, Lo CM, Man K, Yang Y, Yang Y, Yang Y, Zhang Q, Zhu X, Li N, Wang Z, Ding G, Zhuang SM, Zheng L, Luo X, Xie Y, Liang A, Wang Z, Zhang M, Xia Q, Liang T, Yu Y, Cao X. Hepatic RIG-I predicts survival and interferon-α therapeutic response in hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Cell. 2014;25(1):49-63

11.  Wang P, Xue Y, Han Y, Lin L, Wu C, Xu S, Jiang Z, Xu J, Liu Q, Cao X. The STAT3-binding long noncoding RNA lnc-DC controls human dendritic cell differentiation. Science. 2014;344(6181):310-3.

       12.  Chen W, Han C, Xie B, Hu X, Yu Q, Shi L, Wang Q, Li D, Wang J, Zheng P, Liu Y, Cao X. Induction of Siglec-G by RNA viruses inhibits the innate immune response by promoting RIG-I degradation. Cell. 2013;152(3):467-78

       13.  Xia M, Liu J, Wu X, Liu S, Li G, Han C, Song L, Li Z, Wang Q, Wang J, Xu T, Cao X. Histone Methyltransferase Ash1l Suppresses Interleukin-6 Production and Inflammatory Autoimmune Diseases by Inducing the Ubiquitin-Editing Enzyme A20. Immunity. 2013, 39(3): 470-481

       14.  Xu S, Liu X, Bao Y, Zhu X, Han C, Zhang P, Zhang X, Li W, Cao X. Constitutive MHC class I molecules negatively regulate TLR-triggered inflammatory responses via the Fps-SHP-2 pathway. Nat Immunol. 2012;13(6):551-9.

15.  Liu X, Zhan Z, Li D, Xu L, Ma F, Zhang P, Yao H, Cao X. Intracellular MHC class II molecules promote TLR-triggered innate immune responses by maintaining Btk activation. Nat Immunol. 2011, 12(5):416-424

16.  Ma F, Xu S, Liu X, Zhang Q, Xu X, Liu M, Hua M, Li N, Yao H, Cao X. The microRNA miR-29 controls innate and adaptive immune responses to intracellular bacterial infection by targeting interferon-γ. Nat Immunol. 2011,24;12(9):861-869

17.  Hou J, Lin L, Zhou W, Wang Z, Ding G, Dong Q, Qin L, Wu X, Zheng Y, Yang Y, Tian W, Zhang Q, Wang C, Zhang Q, Zhuang S, Zheng L, Liang A, Tao W, and Cao X. Identification of miRNomes in human liver and hepatocellular carcinoma reveals miR-199a/b-3p as a therapeutic target for hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Cell. 2011, 19(2):232-243

18.  Yang P, An H, Liu X, Wen M, Zheng Y, Rui Y, Cao X. The cytosolic nucleic acid sensor LRRFIP1 mediates the production of type I interferon via a beta-catenin-dependent pathway. Nat Immunol. 2010; 11(6):487-494

19.  Han C, Jin J, Xu S, Liu H, Li N, Cao X. Integrin CD11b negatively regulates TLR-triggered inflammatory response by activating Syk and promoting MyD88 and TRIF degradation via cbl-b. Nat Immunol, 2010, 11(8):734-742

20.  Wang C, Chen T, Zhang J, Yang M, Li N, Xu X, Cao X. The E3 ubiquitin ligase Nrdp1 preferentially promotes TLR-mediated type I interferon production. Nat Immunol, 2009, 10 (7): 744-752 

21.  An H, Hou J, Zhou J, Zhao Y, Xu H, Zheng Y, Yu Y, Liu S and Cao X. Phosphatase SHP-1 promotes TLR- and RIG-I-activated production of type I interferon by inhibiting kinase IRAK-1. Nat Immunol, 2008, 9(5):542-550. 


1. 973課題:免疫識別、免疫應答與免疫調控的新型信號分子機制與表觀(guān)調控研究,項目編號2013CB530503;起止時(shí)間:2013年~2017年

2. 國家自然基金重大項目:乙型肝炎病毒逃逸天然免疫的細胞與分子機制研究,項目編號2013CB530503;起止時(shí)間:2013年~2017年

3. 重大協(xié)同創(chuàng )新項目:炎癥機制與感染性疾病的防治,項目編號2016-I2M-1-003;起止時(shí)間:2016年-2018年

4. 國家自然基金委基礎科學(xué)研究中心項目:天然免疫與炎性疾病;起止時(shí)間:2017年-2022年