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會(huì )員登錄




負責人:馬超1999年獲協(xié)和醫科大學(xué)八年制醫學(xué)博士學(xué)位,同年進(jìn)入協(xié)和醫院外科任住院醫師,2000年赴美國耶魯大學(xué)醫學(xué)院麻醉系進(jìn)行博士后研究,2003年起任Associate Research Scientist2008年起任耶魯大學(xué)醫學(xué)院助理教授。201112月回醫科院基礎所工作,任人體解剖與組織胚胎學(xué)系主任、教授、博士生導師。獲得協(xié)和學(xué)者榮譽(yù)稱(chēng)號、中國青年解剖科學(xué)家、院校優(yōu)秀教師、北京腦科學(xué)與類(lèi)腦中心北腦學(xué)者、北京市及全國高等教育教學(xué)成果獎等。


1. 慢性痛與癢的神經(jīng)機制 Neural Mechanisms of Chronic Pain & Itch



2. 國家發(fā)育和功能人腦組織資源庫建設與研究項目: National Human Brain bank for Development and Function

        國家發(fā)育和功能人腦組織庫是在北京協(xié)和醫學(xué)院遺體捐獻接收站基礎上建立的以收集保藏人腦組織、服務(wù)國內神經(jīng)科學(xué)相關(guān)研究為目的的公益機構。20196月正式納入科技部國家科技資源共享服務(wù)平臺:國家發(fā)育和功能人腦組織資源庫。 截至202010月,已接受并保存了319例全腦組織樣本。以人腦組織為基礎,開(kāi)展人腦庫標準化建設、人腦衰老與癡呆相關(guān)的神經(jīng)病理及其相關(guān)機制和多種組學(xué)研究。與北京協(xié)和醫院合作建立了基于人體組織器官庫的老年人群前瞻性隊列,完善捐獻者生前神經(jīng)系統檢查(包括MRI等影像學(xué)檢查)及認知評估,結合去世后神經(jīng)病理評估,建立信息完善的組織樣本資源平臺。已為本院校及國內其他單位的多個(gè)研究課題組提供了寶貴的人腦組織樣本,有力的支持了中國的腦科學(xué)與腦疾病研究。



現有教授2人(馬超,謝益寬),助理研究員3人,主管技師1人,在讀博士研究生1人,碩士研究生4人,八年制醫學(xué)生科研訓練3人,大學(xué)生創(chuàng )新基金”5


聯(lián)系方式:Email: mcpumc@163.com ,電話(huà): 010-69156469Lab




5年代表性論著(zhù) *: 通訊作者)


  1. 1.Liu P, Yang Q, Yu N, Cao Y, Wang X, Wang Z, Qiu WY, Ma C*. Phenylalanine Metabolism Is Dysregulated in Human Hippocampus with Alzheimer's Disease Related Pathological Changes. J Alzheimers Dis83(2):609-622, 2021.
  2. 2.Guo Z, Shao C, Zhang Y, Qiu W, Li W, Zhu W, Yang Q, Huang Y, Pan L, Dong Y,Sun H, Xiao X, Sun W*, Ma C*, Zhang L*. A Global Multiregional Proteomic Map of the Human Cerebral Cortex. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics[Accepted June 24, 2021]
  3. 3.Cui H, Su W, Cao Y, Ma C*,Qiu W*. The altered anatomical distribution of ACE2 in the brain with Alzheimer's Disease pathology. Front Cell Dev Biol2021.
  4. 4.Jia Y, Wang X, Chen Y, Qiu W, Ge W*, MaC*. Proteomic and Transcriptomic Analyses Reveal Pathological Changes in the Entorhinal Cortex Region that Correlate Well with Dysregulation of Ion Transport in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease. Mol Neurobiol58:4007–4027, 2021.
  5. 5.Cui H, Su W, Cao Y, Ma L, Xu G, Mou W, Zhang Hanlin, Yu Jiawen, Ma C*, ZhangX*,Huang Y. Lack of spinal Neuropeptide Y is involved in mechanical itch in aged mice. Font Aging Neurosci2021.
  6. 6.SuW, Cui H, Wu D, Yu J, Ma L, Zhang X, Huang Y*, Ma C*. Suppression of TLR4-MyD88 signaling pathway attenuated chronic mechanical pain in a rat model of endometriosis. J Neuroinflammation 18:65, 2021
  7. 7.Wang T, Tao J, Fang Y, Ma C*.The Role of Pruriceptors in Enhancing Sensitivity to Pruritogens in a Murine Chronic Compression Model of Dorsal Root Ganglion. Molecular Brain14:15, 2021
  8. 8.Cong C, Zhang W, Qian X, Qiu W*, Ma C*. Significant Overlap of α-Synuclein, Amyloid-β and Phospho-Tau Pathologies in Neuropathological Diagnosis of Lewy-related Pathology: Evidence from China Human Brain Bank. J Alzheimers Dis80:447-458, 2021
  9. 9.Wang T, Zhang Y, Chen W, Tao J, Xue Q, Ge W, Dou W*,Ma C*.Proteomic changes in the hippocampus and motor cortex in a rat model of cerebral palsy: effects of topical treatment.Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy133:110844, 2021
  10. 10.Fang Y, Han S, Li X, Xie Y, Zhu B, Gao X*, Ma C*. Cutaneous Hypersensitivity as an Indicator of Visceral Inflammation via C-Nociceptor’s Axon Bifurcation. Neurosci Bull37:45-54, 2021
  11. 11.Liu F, Shen X, Su S, Cui H, Fang Y Wang T, Zhang L,Huang Y, Ma C*.FcγRI-coupled signaling in peripheral nociceptors mediates joint pain in a rat model of rheumatoid arthritis.ArthritisRheumatol72(10):1668-78,2020
  12. 12.He Y, .L, Fang Y, Dan Z, Shen Y, Tan G, Huang Y*, Ma C*. Electrospun PLGA Nanomembrane: A Novel Formulation of Extended- Release Bupivacaine Delivery Reducing Postoperative Pain. Materials & Design 193:108768, 2020
  13. 13.Liu Y, Liu H, Li C, Ma C*, Ge W*. Proteome Profiling of Lung Tissues in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Platelet and Macrophage Dysfunction Contribute to the Pathogenesis of COPD. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis 15:973-9802020.
  14. 14.Zhang W, ZhangQ, Yang Q, Liu P, Sun T, Xu Y, Qian X, Qiu W*,Ma C*.Contribution of Alzheimer’s Disease Neuropathologic Change to the Cognitive Dysfunction in Human Brains with Lewy Body-Related Pathology. Neurobio Aging91:56-65, 2020.
  15. 15.Zhu J, Chen ZY, Fang Y, Duan W, Xie Y, Ma C*. Injury of the Muscular Nerve but not Cutaneous Nerve Drives Acute Neuropathic Pain. Neurosci Bull36:453–462,2020. [Cover Article]
  16. 16.Fang Y, Zhu J, Duan W, Xie Y, Ma C*. Inhibition of Muscular Nociceptive Afferents via the Activation of Cutaneous Nociceptors in a Rat Model of Inflammatory Muscle Pain. Neurosci Bull36:1-10, 2019.
  17. 17.Chen Z, Wang T, Fang Y, Luo D, Anderson M, Huang Q, He S, Song X, Cui H, Dong X, Xie Y, Guan Y*, Ma C*. Adjacent intact nociceptive neurons drive the acute outburst of pain following peripheral axotomy. Sci Rep9:7651, 2019.
  18. 18.Jiang H, Cui H, Wang T, Shimada SG, Sun R, Tan Z, Ma C*, LaMotte RH*. CCL2/CCR2 signaling elicits itch- and pain-like behavior in a murine model of allergic contact dermatitis. Brain BehavImmun80:464–473, 2019.
  19. 19.Wang X, Xia W, Li K, Zhang Y, Ge W*, Ma C*.Rapamycin regulates cholesterol biosynthesis and cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins in hippocampus and temporal lobe of APP/PS1 mouse.J Neurol Sci 399:125-139, 2019.
  20. 20.Xiong F, Ge W*, Ma C*. Quantitative proteomics reveals distinct composition of amyloid plaques in Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association15(3):429–440,2019. doi: 10.1016/j.jalz.2018.10.006.
  21. 21.Yang Q, Chen K, Zhang H, Zhang W, Gong C, Zhang Q, Liu P, Sun T, Xu Y, Qian X, Qiu W*,Ma C*. Correlations between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, Cognitive Dysfunction, and Postmortem Brain Pathology in Alzheimer’s Disease among Han Chinese. Neurosci Bull35(2):193-204, 2019
  22. 22.Zhang F, Wei J, Li X, Ma C*, Gao Y*. Early candidate urine biomarkers for detecting Alzheimer's disease before beta amyloid plaque deposition in an APP (swe)/PSEN1dE9 transgenic mouse model. J Alzheimers Dis66:613–637, 2018.
  23. 23.Zhang H, Chen K, Wang N, Zhang D, Yang Q, Zhang Q, Liu P, Wang M, Gong C, Hong X, Qiu W, Qian X, Chen Y*, Ma C*. Analysis of Brain Donors' Demographic and Medical Characteristics to Facilitate the Construction of a Human Brain Bank in China. J Alzheimers Dis66:1245–1254, 2018.
  24. 24.Xu Z, Wang T, Guo X, Li Y, Hu Y, Ma C*, Wang J*. The relationship of serum antigen-specific and total immunoglobulin E with adult cardiovascular diseases. Int J Med Sci 15 (11):1098-1104, 2018.doi: 10.7150/ijms.25857.
  25. 25.Wang Z, Liu F, Wei M, Qiu Y, Ma C*, Shen L*, Huang Y*.Chronic constriction injury-induced microRNA-146a-5p alleviates neuropathic pain through suppression of IRAK1/TRAF6 signaling pathway. J Neuroinflammation 15(1):179, 2018.
  26. 26.Wang T, Hurwitz O, Shimada SG, Tian D, Dai F, Zhou J, Ma C*, LaMotte RH*. Anti-nociceptive effects of bupivacaine-encapsulated PLGA nanoparticles applied to the compressed dorsal root ganglion in mice.Neurosci Lett668:154–158,2018.
  27. 27.Li J, Zhang W, Wang X, Yuan T, Liu P, Wang T, Shen L, Huang Y, Li N, You H, Xiao T, Feng F*, Ma C*. Functional magnetic resonance imaging reveals differences in brain activation in response to thermal stimuli in diabetic patients with and without diabetic peripheral neuropathy. PLoS One13(1): e0190699, 2018.
  28. 28.Qiu W, Yang Q, Zhang W, Wang N, Zhang D, Huang Y, Ma C*. The Correlations Between Postmortem Brain Pathologies and Cognitive Dysfunction in Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease. Curr Alz Res15:1-12, 2018.


  1. 29.Li HY*, Wang F, Chen M, Zheng ZJ, Yin YJ, Hu J, Li H, Sammer A, Feigl G, Maurer N, Ma C*, Ji FS*. An acupoint-originated human interstitial fluid circulatory network. Chin Med J, 2021.
  2. 30.Tang K, Wang M, Zhang H, Zhang Q, Yang Q, Chen K, Wang N, Zhang D, Qiu W*,Ma C*. The top 100 most-cited articles citing human brain banking from 1970 to 2020: a bibliometric analysis. Cell and Tissue Banking, 21:685–697, 2020.
  3. 31.SuS, Cui H, WangT, ShenX. Ma C*. Pain: A Potential New Label of COVID-19.Brain Behav Immun87:159-160, 2020.
  4. 32.He Y, Qin L, Huang Y, Ma C*. Advances of Nano-Structured Extended-Release Local Anesthetics. Nanoscale Res Lett 15:13, 2020.
  5. 33.Vornholt E, Luo D, Qiu W, McMichael GO, Liu Y, Gillespie N, Ma C*, Vladimirov VI*.Postmortem brain tissue as an underutilized resource to study the molecular pathology of neuropsychiatric disorders across different ethnic populations. Neurosci Biobehav Rev102:195-207, 2019.
  6. 34.Ma C*, Bao AM, Yan XX, Swaab DF. Progress in Human Brain Banking in China.Neurosci Bull.35(2):179-182, 2019.
  7. 35.Qiu W, Zhang H, Bao A, Zhu K, Huang Y, Yan X, Zhang J, Zhong C, Shen Y, Zhou J, Zheng X, Zhang L, Shu Y, Tang B, Zhang Z, Wang G, Zhou R, Sun B, Gong C, Duan S, Ma C*. Standardized Operational Protocol for Human Brain Banking in China.Neurosci Bull.35(2):270-276, 2019.