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2014年所院“引進(jìn)人才”, 現任細胞生物學(xué)系研究員。



1.  研究肺動(dòng)脈血管中關(guān)鍵轉錄因子的特異相互作用蛋白及組織特異性的效應基因。

2.  對多功能干細胞進(jìn)行分化,得到相關(guān)的心血管細胞;并進(jìn)行體外和體內功能研究。

3.  研究致病突變對心肺血管發(fā)育的影響并模擬疾病建立干細胞靶向藥物篩選平臺。

4.  研究肺高壓中相關(guān)炎癥因素在疾病發(fā)生和發(fā)展中的作用機制。






2、中國醫學(xué)科學(xué)院創(chuàng )新工程-心肺血管病EPC的作用機制及相關(guān)分子影像診斷的研究(2016-I2M-4-003)。

3、國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目- TNFα等炎性因素在肺動(dòng)脈高壓內皮損傷中的調控機制(81670054)。


5、British Heart Foundation Programme grant - Targeting the BMP signalling pathway for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension.



1. Yanjiang Xing*, Shuang Zhao*, Qingxia Wei*, Shiqiang Gong, Xin Zhao, Fang Zhou, Rafia AI-Lamki, Daniel Ortmann, Mingxia Du, Roger Pedersen, Guangdong Shang, Shuyi Si, Nicholas W Morrell, Jun Yang*. A novel piperidine identified by stem cell based screening attenuates pulmonary arterial hypertension via regulating BMP2 and PTGS2 levels. Eur Respir J 2018; in press (https://doi.org/10.1183/13993003.02229-2017).


2. Qingxia Wei*, Shuang Zhao*, Fang Zhou*, Yanjiang Xing*, Shiqiang Gong, Jiakuan Zhao, Rafia Ai-Lamki, Daniel Ortmann, Xin Zhao, Mingxia Du, Mariaestela Ortiz, Roger Pedersen, Shuyi Si, Morrell W Nicholas, Jun Yang*. Identification of Id genes as major functional targets of BMP signalling in endothelial cells: Potential for screening and therapy. Presented at 11th Pulmonary Vascular Research Institute World Congress 2017.

3. Xiao Di , Dong Hua Ji, Yu Chen,Chang Wei Liu, Bao Liu, Jun Yang .Endovascular treatment of ectopic bronchial artery aneurysm with brachiocephalic artery stent placement and coil embolization: A case report and literature review. Medicine(Baltimore), 2016, 95(35): e4461.

4. Rafia S. Al-Lamki, Jun Wang, Jun Yang, Simon Pacey, Timothy Eisen, and John R. Bradley Tumor necrosisfactor receptor 2-signaling in CD133-expressing cells in renal clear cell carcinoma,Oncotarget20167(17)24111.

5. Shiqiang Gong ,Xiaowan Han,Xuehong Li,Xiaobo He,Jun Yang, Shuyi Si,Development of a high-throughput screening strategy for up-regulators of the OPG/RANKL ratio with the potential for anti-osteoporosis effects,J Biomol Screen2016; 21(7):738-48.

6. Jun Yang, Li X, Morrell NW.Id proteins in the vasculature: from molecular biology to cardiopulmonary medicine. Cardiovasc Res. Dec 1;104(3):388-398, 2014(通訊并第一作者).

7. Jun Yang, Xiaohui Li, Changxin Wu, Astrid Weiss, Ralph Schermuly, and Nicholas Morrell. Sildenafil Potentiates Bone Morphogenetic Protein Signaling in Pulmonary Arterial Smooth Muscle Cells and in Experimental Pulmonary Hypertension. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 33(1), 34-41, 2013 (通訊并第一作者).

8.Jun Yang, Xiaohui Li, Mark Southwood, Ye Linying, Nicholas W. Morrell. Id proteins are critical downstream effectors of BMP signaling in human pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 305(4)ppL312-L321, 2013(通訊并第一作者).

9. Rafia S. Al-Lamki, Wanhua Lu, Jun Wang, Jun Yang, John R. Brdaley. TNF, Acting through inducibly expressed TNFR2, drives activation and cell cycle entry of c-kit+ cardiac stem cells in ischemic heart disease. Stem Cells. 31(9) : 1881-922013.

10. Takeshi Ogo, H. M. Chowdhury, Jun Yang, Lu Long, Xiaohui Li, Yamila N. Torres Cleuren, Nicholas W Morrell, Ralph T. Schermuly, Richard C. Trembath and Md. Talat Nasim. Inhibition of overactive TGF-??signaling by prostacyclin analogues in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Am. J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol. 48(6):733-412013.

11. Jun Yang, Xiaohui Li, Rafia Al-Lamki, Andrew lever, Nicholas W. Morrell. Induction Of Id1by Prostacyclin Analogues Inhibits Proliferation Of Pulmonary Artery Smooth Muscle Cells In Vitro And In Vivo. Circulation Research. 107(2), 252-262, 2010.

12. Hannah J. Durrington, Paul D. Upton, Simon Hoer, Jessica Boname, Benjamin Dunmore, Jun Yang, Nicholas W. Morrell. Identification of a lysosomal pathway regulating degradation of the bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-II. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 285(48): 37641-92010.

13. Xue Li, Jun Yang, Xiaobo He, Zhangyong Yang, Yan Ding, Huayi Shao, Zhuorong Li, Yueqin Zhang, Shuyi Si. Identification of BMP2 Up-regulators via High-Throughput Screening of a Synthetic and Natural Compound Library. Journal of Biomolecular Screening. 14(10)1251-1256, 2009 (并列第一作者).

14. Mark Toshner, Robert Voswinkel, Mark Southwood, Rafia Al-Lamki, Jun Yang, Nicholas W. Morrell et al. Evidence for Dysfunction of Endothelial Progenitors in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 180(8) :780-72009.

15. Jun Yang, Rachel Davies, Lu Long, Xudong Yang, Paul Upton, Anastasia Sobolewski, Richard Trembath and Nick Morrell. Mutations in BMPRII cause dysregulation of Id gene expression in pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells: Implication for familial pulmonary arterial hypertension. Circulation Research. 102(10), 1212-1221, 2008.

16. Anastasia Sobolewski, Nung Rudarakanchana, Jun Yang, Trina K. Jeffery, Richard Trembath, Nicholas W. Morrell. Functional rescue of mutant bone morphogenetic protein receptor type II in pulmonary arterial hypertension. Human Molecular Genetics. 17(20):3180-902008.

17. Jun Yang, Yueqin Zhang. Study on a novel anti-osteoporosis drug screening model targeted on Cathepsin K. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences. 17(3):   273-80, 2004.

18. Jun Yang, Shuyi Si, Yueqin Zhang. The regulation of SMAD in TGF-β superfamily signaling pathway [review]. China Biotechnology. 2003, 23(12).

19. Yan Ding, Jun Yang, Shuyi Si, Li Ruan.The mechanism of Statins upregulate BMP-2 expression in osteoblast. China Biotechnology25(4): 18-212005.

20. Jun Yang, Bin Liu, Yueqin Zhang. Study on the screening model of anti-osteoporosis drugs targeting on cathepsin L. Chinese Journal of Antibiotics. 2002, 27(5):264-266.     

21. Jun Yang, Shan Cen, Yueqin Zhang. Establishment and application of screening model for  anti-bactieria drugs with lipoteichoic acid as a target. Chinese Journal of New Drugs. 2002, 11(8)605-608.



2016 基礎所2016年優(yōu)秀科研人員

2009 Pfizer Pulmonary Vascular Disease European Young Researcher Award First Prize

2007 British Association of Lung Research-British Thoracic Society Young Investigator First Prize