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會(huì )員登錄





呂湘,女,研究員,博士生導師,中國生理學(xué)會(huì )血液學(xué)專(zhuān)業(yè)委員會(huì )青年委員,中國研究型醫院學(xué)會(huì )血液病精準診療專(zhuān)業(yè)委員會(huì )委員,協(xié)和學(xué)者特聘教授。

1991年-1995年山東大學(xué)生物系,獲理學(xué)學(xué)士學(xué)位;1995-1998年就讀于中國科學(xué)院發(fā)育生物學(xué)研究所,獲碩士學(xué)位;1999-2002年中國協(xié)和醫科大學(xué)博士研究生,獲得生化與分子生物學(xué)專(zhuān)業(yè)博士學(xué)位;畢業(yè)后留所工作,歷任助理研究員、副研究員;2004.11-2006.7 受法中科學(xué)基金(FFCSA)資助在法蘭西學(xué)院(INSERM U36)進(jìn)行博士后研究;2013.7任生化系研究員。2015.10 聘任為病理生理系課題組長(cháng)。承擔和參加了多項自然科學(xué)基金、863973、國家重點(diǎn)研發(fā)專(zhuān)項等國家級科研課題及院校創(chuàng )新工程項目。近年工作主要從3D基因組組織及基因長(cháng)距離調控層面研究造血分化,發(fā)現核基質(zhì)結合蛋白SATB1SATB2CTCF、核體蛋白PML4等因子及非編碼RNA分子在人β-珠蛋白基因、HOXA基因等造血相關(guān)基因簇染色質(zhì)高級構象組織和發(fā)育階段性表達中的重要調控功能。主要研究工作發(fā)表在Blood, Gene & Dev, J Hepat, Cell Res, Nucleic Acids Res, Oncotarget, Mol Cell Biol, J Biol ChemSci Rep-UK等雜志。共發(fā)表SCI論文35篇,核心期刊論文6篇,其中作為第一作者和通訊作者的論文15篇。2002年獲中華醫學(xué)科技獎一等獎。



助理研究員:劉雪會(huì )博士

1. Dan-Dan Zhang*, Wen-Tian Wang*, Jian Xiong*, Xue-Min Xie, Shen-Shen Cui, Zhi-Guo Zhao, Mulin Jun Li, Zhu-Qin Zhang, De-Long Hao, Xiang Zhao, Yong-Jun Li, Jun-Wen Wang, Hou-Zao Chen, Xiang Lv#, De-pei Liu#. Long noncoding RNA LINC00305 promotes inflammation by activating the AHRR-NF-κB pathway in human monocytes. Sci Rep. 2017,7:46204. (#co-corresponding author)
2. Xi-Zhou An*, Zhi-Guo Zhao*, Yu-Xuan Luo, Ran Zhang, Xiao-Qiang Tang, DeLong Hao, Xiang Zhao, Xiang Lv#, De-Pei Liu#. Netrin-1 suppresses the MEK/ERK pathway and ITGB4 in pancreatic cancer. Oncotarget, 2016, 7(17):24719-24733 (#co-corresponding author)

3. Guo-You Liu*, Guang-Nian Zhao*, Xiao-Feng Chen, De-Long Hao, Xiang Zhao, Xiang Lv#, De-pei Liu#. The long noncoding RNA Gm15055 represses Hoxa gene expression by recruiting PRC2 to the gene cluster. Nucleic Acids Res, 2016, 44(6):2613-27 (#co-corresponding author)

4. Miao Xu*, Guan-gnian Zhao*, Xiang Lv*, Guo-you Liu, Lily Yan Wang, De-Long Hao, Jun-wen Wang, De-Pei Liu#, Chih-Chuan Liang. CTCF controls HOXA cluster silencing and mediates PRC2-repressive higher-order chromatin structure in NT2/D1 cells. Mol Cell Biol, 2014, Oct 15, 34(20):3867-79. (*co-first author)
5. Jie Wu*, Li-Quan Zhou*, Wei Yu*, Zhi-Guo Zhao, Xue-Min Xie, Wen-Tian Wang, Jian Xiong, Man Li, Zheng Xue, Xing Wang, Peng Zhang, Bei-Bei Mao, De-Long Hao, Xiang Lv#, De-Pei Liu1#. PML4 facilitates erythroid differentiation by enhancing the transcriptional activity of GATA-1. Blood, 2014 Jan 9; 123(2):261-70. (#co-corresponding author)
6. Li-Quan Zhou*, Jie Wu*, , Wen-Tian Wang, Guang-Nian Zhao, Wei Yu, Peng Zhang, Jian Xiong, Man Li, Zheng Xue, Xing Wang, Zhi-Chen Guo, Xiang Lv#, De-Pei Liu#. The AT-rich DNA-binding protein SATB2 promotes expression and physical association of human Gγ- and Aγ-globin genes. J Biol Chem 2012, Aug 31 287(36):30641-52 (# co-corresponding author).
7. Zheng Xue*, Xiang Lv*, Wei Song*, Xing Wang, Guang-Nian Zhao, Wen-Tian Wang,Jian Xiong, Bei-Bei Mao, Wei Yu, Ben Yang, Jie Wu, Li-Quan Zhou, De-Long Hao,Wen-Ji Dong, De-Pei Liu* and Chih-Chuan Liang. SIRT1 deacetylates SATB1 to facilitate MARHS2- MARε interaction and promote ε-globin expression. Nucleic Acids Research, 2012, Jun 1, 40(11):4804-15 (*co-first author)
8. Beibei Mao, Guowei Zhao, Xiang Lv#, Hou-Zao Chen, Zheng Xue, Ben Yang, De-Pei Liu#, Chih-Chuan Liang. Sirt1 deacetylates c-Myc and promotes c-Myc/Max association. Int J Biochem Cell Biol, 2011, 43(11):1573-1581. (#co-corresponding author)
?9. Lu Lu, Lei Li, Xiang Lv, Xue-Song Wu, De-Pei Liu, Chih-Chuan Liang. Modulations of hMOF autoacetylation by SIRT1 regulate hMOF recruitment and activities on the chromatin. Cell Res 2011:1-14
10. Zhen-Ya Li, Yang Xi, Wen-Nan Zhu, Chao-Zeng, Zhu-Qin Zhang, Zhi-Chen Guo, De-Long Hao, Guang Liu, Lei Feng, Hou-Zao Chen, Feng Chen, Xiang Lv, De-Pei Liu, Chih-Chuan Liang. Positive Regulation of Hepatic miR-122 Expression by HNF4α.J Hepatol. 2011 Sep; 55(3):602-11.
11. Bruno Larrivée, Catarina Freitas, Marc Trombe, Xiang Lv, Benjamin DeLafarge, Li Yuan, Karine Bouvrée1, Christiane Bréant, Fran?oise Bono, Filip Claes, Monica Autiero, Peter armeliet, Marc Tessier-Lavigne and Anne Eichmann. Activation of the UNC5B receptor by Netrin-1 inhibits neovascularization. Gene Dev. 2007, 21: 2433-2447.

國際會(huì )議特邀報

1. ‘Gene regulation at three-dimension’, 2014 annual meeting of FONDATION FRANCO-CHINOISE POUR LA SCIENCE ET SES APPLICATIONS (FFCSA), 2014 Jan.10-12, Harbin,China.
2.?‘Gene regulation at three-dimension: progresses in globin gene cluster study’, International Symposium on Erythrocyte Biology, 2014 Apr.24-25, ZhengZhou, China.
3.?‘Spatial Control of Globin Gene Expression’ ,3rd International Conference on Thalassemia in China & 2nd Asia-Pacific Iron Academy Conference, 2010 Nov.3-6, Nanning, China.
4.?‘Wiring to control---regulating clustered genes in three-dimensional chromatin organization’, International Conference of Genomics, 2009 Oct.21-23, Beijing, China.

1. 2002 年參與完成的建立αβ珠蛋白基因簇轉基因鼠模型及β基因簇反式因子的研究獲中華醫學(xué)科技獎一等獎
2.? Young Scientist travel fellowship for the XIX International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology held jointly with the 2nd Annual Congress of the HUman Proteome Organization (2003)
3.? Fellowship from Fondation Franco-Chinois pour Science et ses Applications (FFCSA) (Nov. 2004-Nov. 2005)

4.? Fellowship from Fondation Treilles (Mar. 2006)
5.? European commission Marie Curie Actions Scholarship (European School of Haematology) (May 2006)